Are all AG products gluten-free?

Yes, AG products are completely gluten-free. Having said this, we strongly suggest that individuals diagnosed with Celiac Disease or who have any concerns whatsoever to consult with their physician prior to using any cosmetic product.

You may notice some of our products contain ingredients such as wheat and oat protein. Through a process called hydrolysis, we extract the amino acids from these proteins. Once they have been extracted, based on FDA and International standards, they are considered gluten-free.

For further information, we have included a link to the Mayo Clinic, which has researched the issue of gluten in cosmetics and sunscreens answering the question “I have celiac disease. Do I need to be concerned about gluten in hair and sunscreen products?” The answer “No. Gluten-containing skin care products and cosmetics aren’t a problem unless you accidentally swallow them“.

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